Sunday, April 10, 2011

Women's VS Men's Rights, Right

I’m sure 80% of the world thinks that Arabic women has no rights, and they are just an object for reproduction and they are forced to wear that black “thingy” which we call Hijab & Abaya.

I don’t know, should I laugh or cry……Where is the women rights! That’s what the west said.
Let me tell you something about the adventure of the Arabic man’s wedding.

1st he pays dowry around 20,000 – 40,000 AED (Emirati Dirham), then he pays for the hotel where the party is held, after that he pays for the food so the guests can enjoy (which 80% of them will talk bad about the party – Ironic) then after that he must rent a house and buy the whole furniture.

Of course they will have a baby born (Amen? Or not?)  He has to pay for the hospital checkups and prepare the clothes and stuff for the new born, don’t forget the delivery bill and the hospital charges.

Not to mention the annual house rent and bills and and and and !

Dear westerns, Arabic women gets all the jobs and leaves nothing for us, wait a minute, why they need these jobs since the man who’s paying all of these things. Arabic women drive the fancy cars. Arabic women get the help when they get a flat tire on the road.

While the Arabic man is looking at himself and says “Dear god what have I done to deserve this”

So, let’s remake the question, Where are the Men’s rights ……..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u can find the mens rigth just infront of your eyes and all the happenies on the 92G20 you drive ...

is that not enough ^^ ><