Saturday, April 16, 2011

BlackBerry Fever..

If your are living in U.A.E without a BlackBerry, It's like you are in army without a gun...both cases you won't survive.

But honestly, blackberry is a silly phone, it does not have cool apps. like iPhone or other phones. The software is so normal, and the battery gets empty so soon (you must have a charger at home, car & work).

But whats the reason behind this fever ! the answer is here, its the application that separates BB from other phones, it's called BBM (Black Berry Messenger) if BB has no BBM, BB would fail.

This app. allows black berry users to add each other and chat !! send pix , songs....honestly, it saves alot of credit comparing to SMS & MMS etc and it works via a protocol that Research In Motion created called BB Pin. BB Pin is like a serial number each Blackberry has one.

Now in U.A.E people pays insane money to buy a BlackBerry with a cool BB Pin, not to mention the budget they keep just to buy covers and screen savers and and and

Here are the most used BlackBerries in U.A.E :-

BlackBerry Storm

BlackBerry Curve 8520 (like mine =D) (22C7D600 is my BB Pin) 

BlackBerry Curve 8900

BlackBerry Curve 9300

BlackBerry Bold 900

BlackBerry Bold 9700

BlackBerry Bold 9780

BlackBerry Torch

Blackberry Curve 9350 / 9360 / 9370 (Same Look)

Soon they will release a new Curve 9370 4G, it's a bad ass phone

This is just a mini sample according to my poor knowledge about phones 

All I know is ..... Life was better when blackberry and apple were just fruits


Anonymous said...

I believe that nokia and other phones are facing profit loss.. And that's too bad..what u said. Up there is completely right. Bt I believe if other companies such as nokias adapted the idea of bbm, them I wdve bought it =D...

morgianmen said...

I accept that nokia and added phones are adverse accumulation loss.. And that's too bad..what u said. Up there is absolutely right. But I accept if added companies such as nokias acclimatized the abstraction of bbm.

Celular Blackberry

Anonymous said...

nice phones.. thank you admin